The Ultimate Moving Timeline!
The Ultimate Moving Timeline!

We have spoken about how efficient planning can be your saving grace through immense changes in life, which is why we have come up with this “Optimum Moving Schedule”. If you aren’t one for checklists or to-do lists, look no further. We have summed up some A-list points for moving like a pro. Once you have followed these steps you will be one hundred present set in the coming months.
If you would like additional information, head over to our “Moving fundamentals page”.
Keep in or clear out:
When going through and packing out each room of your house it gives you the opportunity to minimize packing time by being able to see the many hidden things you’ve possibly forgotten you had and deciding simultaneously what it worth keeping and what can be cleared out.
Keeping on track:
If you are going to make use of a checklist it would be good to have it printed out and on your person throughout your move, using it as a reference. Consider getting a binder/folder to have to keep your checklist, receipts, budget plan and a list of all your separated valuables that will allow you to track everything you are moving.
School essentials:
If you have children and already managed to find a great school that you are certain about, you should arrange at this time to have school reports, important documents/information such as specific allergies, learning habits e-mailed through that the new school would benefit from knowing beforehand.
Unfortunately not every single thing we have can always be taken or moved with us, some depending on where you go others at all times (see our FAQ page for more information.)
If you want to try your best to not waste or throw away too much by the time you move start utilizing all cleaning supplies you have and begin meal planning, including the majority of perishable/frozen foods you have. By the time moving day arrives you won’t feel as guilty about getting rid of a whole variety of groceries.
An important note: refrain from purchasing any new supplies or perishable foods from this time unless absolutely necessary.
Measuring up:
One stressful factor about moving – whether to a larger or smaller property – is that the plan, structure and layout of your new home will be different. Often times you may find that you have too much furniture for the new place or too little. It’s important to measure the room sizes of your new home and possibly envision what furniture could go where (of course if able.)
You may have to put extra furniture in storage or perhaps buy more depending on the size. These are all factors to consider when you are writing up a moving budget plan.
Who are you moving with?
Whether you are moving with us or another moving company it is always most favourable at this time to arrange a moving date, compare services and price lists that best suits your needs and ultimately your budget.
Packing up:
Think about the structure of your packing, more or less how you want to go about it. As a professional tip, while sorting it would be good to distinguish the items of more value from the rest of your possessions. This would be a suitable time to bring out your binder/folder and take note of the items you want to insure for transit. At the end of the hustle and bustle you can then confirm the notes you made to refrain from forgetting any item or detail.
Labbeling your boxes:
As mentioned in our “Packing Fundamentals” article, labelling is one of the most crucial steps when boxing. The last thing you want is to sit with numerous amounts of boxes not knowing where each one belongs. Labelling your boxes specifically, co-ordinating them to their individual rooms will assist you in knowing their location while making it easier when unpacking begins.
Remember to label “Fragile” onto the boxes that contain breakable goods.
Separate Valuables:
Once you have more or less separated your valuables (the smaller items that don’t require boxing) from the rest of your belongings and put them aside you can them put those valuables into your personal luggage, whether in a bag or secure vanity case.
Inform local parties:
Wherever you live, under normal circumstances, you have a place of work, a firm you bank with, the real estate company you are renting with etc. It is your primary duty to inform said institutions of your move and allow them at least a month’s notice.
Forward Medical Records:
Arrange for forwarding of your medical records or obtain your own copies to take with. Ask for referrals.
Arrange leave day:
Notify and arrange with your employer that you would need the day off on said date of your move to oversee the happenings and be available to sign necessary paperwork.
Vehicle services:
Sometimes moving to a region with a new climate can influence the general services of your vehicle. In your case if you happen to be moving to an area with different climate, take you vehicle(s) to their respective dealerships and inquire about services that would be fundamental in your new climate region.
Clean out your Safety Deposit Box:
If you’ll be changing banks, remove the contents of your safety-deposit box and put them in the safe you’ll be taking with you on moving day.
Contact the Moving Company:
Reconfirm the arrangements for your move.
For a few of the many ways we can assist you see our Mr Move Services page.
Arrange prescriptions:
If you need to take specific medication on a daily basis or need to stock up on certain prescriptions, organize with your local MD to arrange a larger supply for the next few weeks.
Also organize your certified medical records to take with you.
Your personal luggage:
Make it a goal to have all of your clothing (as well as family members) washed and ready to be packed in individual suitcases a few days before the move.
Begin defrosting:
Allow your refrigerator and/or deepfreeze to completely defrost at least a day before moving allowing for some time to empty it and clean it out.
Finalize details:
Contact the moving company once more to finalize your arrangements and ETA (Estimated time of arrival.) Confirm your contact details and precise, mapped directions to the new destination to avoid any inconveniences during travel.
Make it a priority to communicate all details of the move to ensure an excellent moving experience with no bumps on the road.
Moving Inventory:
Whether dealing with shipments or normal cargo you are required to sign the bill of lading or inventory list the movers kept track of during uplift.
If you have more questions, check our “Mr Move FAQ” page.